Will I be alone if I wake up in 200 years?

Cryonics4U is confident you won’t be alone don’t worry! You will be with hundreds or even thousands of individuals from your generation, doing the the same thing. Not to mention some friends, family and work colleagues. We offer a free introductory consultation for everyone and extra guidance and support on this topic. There are also ways to connect with like minded individuals through our chat room (coming soon), forum and other various Cryonics societies worldwide.

If you’re interested in Cryonics and would like to connect with like minded individuals then feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

Does life insurance cover a Cryopreservation?

Yes it does, however to make sure that you are 100% covered we do recommend using an insurance policy that provides full cover and that doesn’t have hidden costs or a shortfall in covering your Cryopreservation membership including any transportation costs to the facility.

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about how to pay for your Cryopreservation on a monthly basis using life insurance then feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

What happens if I'm in a fatal accident such as a plane crash?

Quite frankly it’s game over if it happens. Sorry to say. However, if you’re already signed up for Cryopreservation and your brain can be preserved whether you are conscious or not, there’s a chance you can be saved, and cured of the accident in the future.

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about how to have a connection with an emergency response team that can help save you in an accident then feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

Will I be the same as before?

The answer can be yes. No one knows the future however we can only do what we can to be ready for it, and signing up for Cryopreservation is the best option to date, hopefully there’s still a recognisable life for us in the future and if it’s only a matter of few hundred years certainly this will be in some ways similar to life as we know it today.

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about how the future might be, and what we might be like in the future then feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

What about my family?

Cryonics4U offers a free consultation for couples, groups and families. We respect some may have a different opinion to others about Cryonics and other matters relating to longevity and self preservation. Whilst family is very important it’s really up to the individual how to move forward and being independent may help with this decision. If your family all want to be Cryopreserved then that’s great news, however timing and generation gaps must also be taken into consideration.

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about how to approach relatives then feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

How do I choose when to be Cryopreserved?

Usually it happens when you are ready to pass away, however we do anticipate an increasing number of people being Cryopreserved before their time is up. Be it for convenience sake it’s better to have a successful Cryopreservation a few hours, weeks or even months before, than a moment that’s too late!

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about how to sign up and when to anticipate being Cryopreserved feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

What if my partner doesn't like Cryonics?

This can be the case, as with family, one must choose what’s suitable for the individual and come to a conclusion in a respectful and meaningful way. Why not try our free consultation as an individual or group and let’s have a meaningful discussion.

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about group consultations for couples then feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

What if I'm interested but too apprehensive or busy to follow this up?

It really depends on how interested you are, if you can make the time to talk to us, you may benefit having some extra knowledge relating to Cryonics, perhaps that little bit of time you give us won’t be regretful. No harm in trying!

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about it then feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

How much does Cryopreservation cost?

Usually more than 100,000 pounds for a full body or as little as 30 pounds a month. A typical example of an insurance policy would cost around 30 pounds a month similar to the cost of a mobile phone or paying car road tax.

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about how to get a quotation for Cryopreservation or an insurance policy for Cryopreservation feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

Why should I pay a fee to Cryonics4U on top of my Cryopreservation costs?

You don’t have to pay us anything to begin since our introductory consultation is free of charge! If you do commit to using our services to help organize your future Cryopreservation then all we ask for is a small token of your total expense. 500 pounds sterling is less than 1% of your total cost and is not going to make much difference to your expenses; however we do hope to make your Cryopreservation membership enjoyable, knowledgeable and a productive experience and this should have added value for you.

If you’re interested in Cryonics and want to know more about our services then feel free to contact us for guidance and support.

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